If you are concerned about the proliferation of cell towers and antennas, it's time to speak up.Â
Submit WRITTEN comments NOWÂ in FAVOR of a Wireless Communications Facilities ordinance!
We've been waiting for this moment! An ordinance was introduced and was assigned to the PSLUÂ (Planning and Sustainable Land Use) committee where it will be heard on Thursday morning (2-24-22).Â
The proposed ordinance is a start, and we are grateful for that, and it needs beefing up.Thankfully PLSU committee chair Tamara Paltin has allowed me (Debra Greene, Founding Director of Safe Tech Hawaii) a 15 minute
presentation at Thursday's meeting to discuss important ordinance components.
Meanwhile, we need you to speak up in support of a protective ordinance while honoring what's been proposed!Â
Here is the message to communicate:Â
Thank you Council Member King for introducing this ordinance and thank you Chair Paltin for scheduling it. We need more local authority over cell towers and antennas. Unnecessary, overpowered antennas are being installed in Hawaii in very close proximity to homes and schools, often without any notification to residents and without proof of a significant gap in service. Without local regulations our
property values are at risk, our children are at risk, there are documented fire hazards, and the health, safety, and quiet enjoyment of our streets are at risk. Please enact regulations that protect us. Thank you.Â
Click Here to Email the PSLU Committee MembersÂ
Subject Line:Â PSLU-43 Please enact a strong protective ordinanceÂ
It's helpful if you can add a few of Your Own Words. Tell your story. Share why you care about wireless risks, and that you look to their leadership to protect us, especially our vulnerable children, with protective regulations. Please be respectful of their time. Doesn't have to be long testimony. Can just say "Please enact a strong ordinance that
protects us." if you want.Â