Oral Testimony via Zoom: Email or call to request registration
Email: councilremotetestimony@hawaiicounty.gov
Call: (808) 961-8255
Register by 12pm, Fri Jan 17. Do it NOW!
Written Testimony: Due 12pm, Fri, Jan 17. Do it
Email to counciltestimony@hawaiicounty.gov Subject line: Support Bill 194
IMPORTANT! Focus your testimony on ONE of the following talking points.
PLEASE DON'T copy/paste the whole list! Please use your own
words and tell your story!
The County can't use health/environmental effects to deny a permit, but you can talk about those issues now to support Bill 194.
Pick ONE and add your own words...
Subject line: Support Bill 194
- Please support Bill 194. Regulating towers and antennas is necessary to protect us. Dozens
of cities and counties across the country have adopted laws protecting people and the environment from the electro-pollution caused by wireless radiation. It's long overdue for us to have protections in place here.
- Please support Bill 194 because it reflects what we, the people, want. The bill was created in response to the needs of the community. It includes 5G small cells which must be regulated. Hawaii county already passed a resolution to halt 5G years ago. Bill 194
follows up on that by providing necessary regulations that include 5G small cells.
- Please support Bill 194. After the devastating fires on Maui and in Los Angeles Bill 194 is necessary to protect our homes and businesses. Cell towers have caused large, damaging wildfires in California and other states. Bill 194 contains requirements to prevent fires. This is very important for our safety!
- Please support Bill 194. Electrical fires are especially
dangerous and cannot be dealt with until the source is de-energized. Bill 194 contains requirements for emergency power shut-off and surge protection on towers and antennas. This is crucial for our safety.
- Please support Bill 194 because it contains a set-back requirement from every property line. We get some very intense winds here on the island and if a tower were to topple over it could do some real damage to those who live nearby. We need this for our protection and
- Please support Bill 194. Without this legislation big telecom can do whatever they want. No one wants a tower in their neighborhood without their knowledge or consent. Right now they are popping up everywhere. They they reduce property values and cause health effects. The permit requirements in Bill 194 are necessary for our health and safety.
If you can attend the meeting online or in person, that's best! If not, please submit written testimony.
If you missed the Friday deadline, submit now. All testimony, regardless of when it's submitted, becomes part of the record.
Here's a link to the agenda: https://records.hawaiicounty.gov/weblink/0/doc/1096459/Page1.aspx
If you're concerned about cell towers and antennas, it's time to speak up! 💪
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